This Mexican Style Bulgur Wheat and Black Bean Salad is a beautiful summer salad for a light lunch or even a main meal. It is packed full of wonderful healthy vegetables and beans, with a little bit of spice thrown in for good measure. This recipe serves 4 people and doesn’t break the bank.
1 x Small Red Onion
2 x Cloves of Garlic
4 x Spring Onions
200g x Bulgur Wheat
400g x Tinned Black Beans
150g x Sweet Corn
2 x Large Vine Tomatoes
2 x Avocado
1 tbsp x Olive Oil
800ml – 1ltr x Boiling Water
1 x Vegetable Stock Cube
Half tsp x Dried Chilli Flakes
1 tsp x Ground Cumin
Sea Salt and Black Pepper to Taste
Coriander (optional)
1. First, dice the red onion, slice the garlic and thinly chop the spring onions.
2. Drizzle the olive oil into a large pan and begin to gently sweat the red onion, garlic and three of the spring onions (holding one spring onion back to garnish later) cook for around 5 minutes.
3. Next, drain your tin of black beans and add them to the pan followed by sweetcorn, the bulgur wheat, chopped vine tomatoes, 800ml of boiling water and the vegetable stock cube. Give everything a good stir.
4. Add in your dried Chilli, ground cumin and season generously with sea salt and black pepper. Stir everything together, place a lid on the pan and cook for 10 minutes stirring every 2 – 3 minutes. If it begins to look too dry add a little extra water to the mix.
5. Your Mexican Style Bulgur Wheat and Black Bean Salad should be about ready. Give it a final taste and add more sea salt, black pepper or chilli flakes if needed to suit you. The bulgur wheat should be tender but if you like it a little bit softer just give it some more time until you’re happy with it.
6. Time to plate it up! Slice up the avocados and give half per serving. Place the avocado on top of the bulgur, sprinkle the rest of your spring onions over, maybe a few extra chilli flakes and a couple of coriander leaves to finish it off.
This recipe stands alone as a wholesome vegan recipe but if you’re craving some extra protein you can serve it with grilled meat or fish.